Individual Giving

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Since January 2017, and even well before that, we have witnessed a near constant assault on virtually every group that can be referred to as ‘other.’ We have heard hateful rhetoric about women, people with disabilities, immigrants, people of color, queer youth, transgender people, people of different faiths, especially those of Jewish and Muslim religions, and sexual minorities. Even as we write this, President Trump is seeking to exclude trans people from serving in the military and to deny currently-serving trans military personnel the medical treatment they require and deserve. Seemingly the only people who are safe are those who share in that hate of the ‘other.’ Even in DC and the surrounding areas, there are increased reports of hate crimes and attacks. These messages of hate have many paralyzed with fear and anger, wondering what we can do.

What this hate has not done and will not do is diminish our voice.

As we continue our 39th season, GMCW reaffirms our pledge to raise our voice to extinguish the hate that is tearing our United States apart. We will celebrate the diverse tapestry of our great nation instead of shredding that tapestry. We will uplift and inspire queer youth rather than allowing them to be the victims of bullying. We will bring people together through the power of performance instead of isolating groups of people with fear.

Whether you’ve been with us since our inception or are learning about us for the first time, no matter who you are, where you come from, or what you believe, we welcome you to join us. We offer you the opportunity to make your voice heard by performing with us, volunteering with us, donating to us, and attending our full season of varied and fascinating concerts and events.

With each voice that is added, our power grows. Thank you for being a part.

Love always wins,
Justin & Thea

Contributor Benefits

Individual contributors provide the foundational support that keeps the Chorus going and growing. Benefits include social gatherings with our artistic team, VIP backstage tours, invitations to exclusive events, regular recognition and gratitude messaging, and full tax-deducibility. Your contribution allows us to raise our voice to extinguish the hate that threatens our nation. It allows us to uplift and inspire LGBTQA youth and to bring people together through the power of performance and outreach. Whether you’ve been with us since our inception or are learning about us for the first time, we invite you to join us.

$10,000 and above

  • VIP Backstage tour
  • Two season subscriptions
  • Recognition in curtain stage speech
  • Plus benefits listed below

$5,000 to $9,999

  • Concierge ticket service
  • Four tickets to a concert of your choice
  • Plus benefits listed below

$1,000 to $4,999

  • Concert poster signed by GMCW members
  • Plus benefits listed below

$500 to $999

  • Invitations to special donor appreciation events
  • Program Listing